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Stephan Johansen
Entrepreneur - Teacher - Software Engineer

I have a vision of a future where software developers produce high quality and secure software solutions, while maintaining a high pace through the whole project in playful environments.

My mission is to help teams become craftsmen in software development by adopting best practice, by encouraging continuous learning.

Blog posts

  • 2024-09-22 - Embracing a Zero Bug Strategy - Why Fixing Bugs Immediately Wins the Race (Test, Software development) : Adopt a Zero Bug Strategy by fixing bugs immediately instead of backlogging them. This is a blog post inspired by the tale of the Hare and the Tortoise, which teaches a tortoise approach to ensure higher quality, reduce costs, and increase customer satisfaction. The point is that this can be done by embracing a steady, proactive bug-fixing method which leads to more successful and sustainable software projects.
  • 2024-08-03 - Test från vänster åt högre och tillbaka igen (Test, DevOps) : Shift Left Testing och dess motpart Shift Right Testing representerar två strategier för att förbättra testningen av mjukvaruapplikationer. Båda metoderna bidrar till att skapa en kultur av ökat samarbete inom utvecklingsteamen.
  • 2023-09-03 - Private cloud - a computing weather-machine! (Cloud) : Supercharge your computing environment by harnessing the power of a private cloud. Create an infrastructure that puts you in the driver's seat, giving you control over the location and configuration, all while enjoying the perks of the public cloud. Get ready to take your productivity to new heights!
  • 2023-01-03 - Cake and Docker (DevOps) : How to use Cake-build within Dockerfile

Core skills



I have a keen interest in the cross section between humans and technology. How we interact with technology, how we teach technology and how technology can help evolve companies (but I don't believe in technology in the sake of technology).

I started working professionally with cyber security and software development in 2003, I am driven by helping others to perform at their max and prefer my work to be anchored in research.

Whatever project I am involved in, I use my strong creative urge and holistic approach, no matter if it is to build software systems, analyse technical problems, competence development or build a high-performing team.

I believe ...

  • that many of the security incidents we experience can be avoided in the cross section between humans and technology, by increasing the focus on craftsmanship
  • the two most important factors in creating teams of craftsmen is an ongoing development of skills and effective communication.
  • knowledge obtained in a playful and diverse environment, is the key to a successful technology adoption and implementation.
  • that the key to a high pace in a development team, is to give the developers the steady flow of well thought requirements combined with a high degree of automatization

Tech radar

This tech radar shows the technologies I'm currently assessing, and I which state I currently see them.

The don't show the technologies I use on a daily basis, otherwise should I be a bit crowded in the middle.

(click the image for navigating to the actual radar)

Tech radar overview